Grenoble Photo Blog

Grenoble Photo Blog

Rather than write about my trip to Grenoble, France; I thought it might be fun to just show you.

We did some cultural interviews at the Universite Pierre Mendes France. It was a fascinating way to learn more about French culture.

We did some cultural interviews at the Universite Pierre Mendes France. It was a fascinating way to learn more about French culture.

The university has some pretty great views of the Alps.

Our friends gave us a mini historical tour of the city. Many of the sites we visited were notable parts of the French Revolution.

The local bastille

The local bastille

This fountain replaced the guillotine after the French Revolution.

This fountain replaced the guillotine after the French Revolution.

A few were just fun.

A restaurant older than the United States of America.

A restaurant older than the United States of America.

This is a section of the Roman Wall dating back to the third century. And yes, I touched it.

This is a section of the Roman Wall dating back to the third century. And yes, I touched it.

On our free day, we went to a castle!

It also doubled as a museum to the French Revolution.

It also doubled as a museum to the French Revolution.

The grounds were really impressive.

The grounds were really impressive.

Our team had a blast.

Looking down on Grenoble from the bastille.

Looking down on Grenoble from the bastille.

We made a lot of new friends! (taken after a game night)

We made a lot of new friends! (taken after a game night)

Our trip was amazing and accomplished much. Thank you all for your support and prayers while we were gone!

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