A Life Update
I'm going to need a little pump up music for this. Mr. Bon Jovi, can you help a brother out?...
And as the chorus begins...
"Ohhh, we're halfway there..oh! oh!"
You'll be singing that for the rest of the day (at least it's better than this). And with good reason because we have raised over 50% of our budget!
It's awesome to have people like you, and you, and you, and you and countless others who make this a reality for us. Words cannot express the thanks we have for each and every one of you (though Paul does a pretty good job of expressing the way we feel toward each one of you).
The good news is we've raised enough to start meetings on campus (Yay God, yay team). We're going to continue working on raising the support we need until we are fully funded for this mission we are on. If you got us on Facebook, then you know we are trying to get this colored in...
Vanilla Ice himself has been keeping us on track and we are ecstatic that he's almost colored in. We only need $1400 per month more to finish it out and be fully funded! If you'd like to know more about partnering with us, sign up for our e-news. I also wrote a blog post about one of many examples of biblical partnership and why it's important.
We've officially started with staff training this past Monday. We have lots of things to learn about ourselves and about the university we are trying to reach, so this is going to be awesome!
Also, I got to go home this past week and be part of my brother's wedding! It was a pretty cool moment. Check out some of the pictures below...