Faith Steps

Faith Steps

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, there's a scene that has given a picture of how I've felt lately about moving to New Haven and ministering to Yale students. It's the scene where Indiana must take a "leap of faith."

Through this temple, Indy has faced many trials on behalf of his father played by Sean Connery, who was shot by the Nazis in order to coerce Indy to go and fetch the most prized possession, the Holy Grail (no not that one. And not that one either!)

Anyway, from the picture, it honestly looks like there's no possible way to get from where Indy is standing to the doorway on the other side. No swinging by the whip on this one. However, from previous tests, he knew there had to be a "trick" of some sort. Only this time, his footing was removed; he simply had to have faith.

Ta-da! Optical illusions...

Ta-da! Optical illusions...

In two days, we are moving to Connecticut. You've probably heard about that by now. As much as we've communicated it and our excitement for this wonderful opportunity, the faith that we've needed to make this move has not diminished. In fact, we've increased our faith, asking God to not only supply our needs and help us raise our remaining support, but to give us faith that the work we will do for at least the next 5 years will have ripple effects that will not only impact Yale University, not only the state of Connecticut, not only the United States, but the entire world. 

Some would call that audacious faith. It certainly feels a lot like what Indiana Jones felt when he took that first step.

If you know us, you know we're no one special (okay, so maybe Brooke is. She's special to me, does that count?). You know that we are ordinary people looking to position ourselves to serve an extraordinary God. We want to be people that, whatever it is we're doing, we're doing it whole-heartedly for God. We want to be people that take steps of faith, even if it appears like nothing is going to work on the outside, because we know who our God is and what He's done for us in the past. We know He honors faith steps and we certainly believe He will come through! I hope you have faith in God like that.

Keep us in prayer! 

Connecticut, here we come!




Oh, The Places You'll Go

Oh, The Places You'll Go