

Good things come in thirds.

In order to make a complete movie trilogy (like this one), you do it in thirds.

To take better pictures with your iPhone, you use the rule of thirds.

Of course, there's the John Mayer Trio, each member composing a third of the band.

If you buy a pie for you and your friend, you get to fight over who has the last third of it. (Yeah, sure, it makes sense to split the pie in half, but then you can't fight! I mean, sure you can still fight, but then there'd be no reward! Unless fighting WITH pie is the reward!)

And the triune God is composed of thirds: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

So why am I talking about thirds?

Because we just raised a third of our budget!

That's right. We have raised 33% of our budget and couldn't be more excited. This puts us much closer to our goal of $3000/month in support.

The blue is closing down progressively!

We are blessed by those of you that have given on a monthly basis, and have been blessed greatly by those that have given special gifts to help us get our initial startup here in New Haven. You make this ministry possible, so BIG THANKS!!

Please keep praying for us as we continue going forward with this. Though we celebrate the victory today, there is still much left to be done to get us fully-funded. Again, we believe God is going to do something in us and through us. He is using those of you who are partnering with us for this incredible journey to help see students come to know Him.

Pray with us. Believe with us. Dream with us.

(Want to learn how you can join up and partner with us in ministry? Have other questions about our ministry and what we do? Email them here.)

Biblical Partnership: The Widow and Elijah

Biblical Partnership: The Widow and Elijah

Faith Steps

Faith Steps