The Best Time

The Best Time

We all live 24 hour days. When our clocks hit 12:00AM, we have exactly the same 24 hours as Matt Damon, Bono, Tina Fey, Stephen Curry, and George Bush. The difference between each one of us is how we decide to spend those 24 hours.

Time affects us all. There are not-so-good times to do things like this and there are the best times to do other things. In fact, there's a blog on the best times to do anything. Time tells us when to get up and start the day and when to end it. Time tells us when our favorite tv shows come on. Time tells us when vacation is around the corner. It also tells us when our taxes need to be filed.

It should come to no surprise to us that the Bible mentions how there is a time for everything. Solomon, in all his wisdom, knew this. So, if Solomon knew it, wouldn't Jesus know that there's a time for things too?

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
— John 4:34-35

As Brooke and I have been working endlessly to make our transition happen with Yale, we believe that there's a best time to reach students who don't know Jesus with the Gospel. Care to take a guess at what that time would be?


Not 'four months' later, but NOWNow is when we should see students having more opportunity to have an authentic relationship with Jesus. Now is when they should have a fun, safe place to get to know Jesus more relationally. Now is the best time.

As it stands right now, we have raised 22% of our goal! We are excited that we are making headway, and still dreaming...still believing...that God will see us get to Yale.

Right at 22% of our goal. More red, less blue!

We've talked about why we want to go to Yale and we've even had a friend/alum of ours share how Chi Alpha changed his life. We sincerely believe that God has people out there that will want to join our support team because as much as Brooke and I want to reach the 12,000+ Yale students, God wants to reach them even more. 

Now, it would be remiss of me to not say that this hasn't been a trying time. There have been moments where there's been discouragement, doubt, and times of Brooke and I asking ourselves, "Is this really going to happen or not?" 

There have been conversations that other people have had with us and asked, "Well, what will you do if this doesn't happen? What will you do if you don't meet your goal?" This has elicited the #Yaleorbust response from me. "Walk by faith, not by sight," right? Seriously, that's been our attitude. 

We just need people to partner with us to reach this university.

Now is the best time to make that happen.


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What I Learned My First Year of Marriage

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